Hey, I'm


P r o f i l e

A beautiful Mosaic of lived Experience

About Me

I am a Junior Web Developer and programmer with great knowledge on Front-End techniques. I stand for Quality and I also love paying attention to detail. In addition to that, i'm a life long student of society and I prefer working in a team, you'll learn faster and much more.



Mugisha Roland Sankara



Entebbe, Uganda - East Africa
Planet Earth.


Thomas Sankara the Upright Man

Published July 17th,2019

One of the greatest African revolutionary stories of our Times is of a young and dynamic leader, staunch Pan African, whose Life and sole existance in a small country in the west of Africa "Upper Volta" a former French colony and now re-known Bukina Faso....

Spiritual Beings having a human experience

Published July 17th,2019

I am grateful and overwhelmed by the summit of creation - the human species. The Bible in the book of Genesis gives us a bigger insight into the story of creation, that's so astonishing.

A Responsive Landing page with React

Published February 10th,2020

There are thousands of libraries out there , each doing one little thing. Many of those libraries have grown to become "de facto" standards, but with no actual standards insight. This makes front-end development so overwhelming....


Get observations, stories, advice and ideas that i'm not sharing anywhere else on the internet.


“Life without knowledge is death in disguise.”
- Talib Kweli

React Community Kampala

From Nov - 09 - 2019 and currently
Andela kampala, K'la

I joined the Andela React Community following the advice of my learning facilitators and mentors Paul and Shyaka. Having had JavaScript in my grip, I therefore learnt how to leverage my VanillaJS knowledge and thus was able to refactor my projects with this amasing JS library -React.

Google Africa Program

Mobile Web Dev Beneficiary with ALC, April-October 2019
Andela kampala, K'la

Having heard of the Google Developer Scholarships through my interaction with andelans at some Tech-Radar Conference, I decided to take a leap of faith hoping to make the most out of this program. Luckly a got selected to be part of the program in particular the Mobile Web track. This Marked the start of my JavaScript journey thanks to Google.

TeenCode Africa

Programming Fundamentals, Jan-Feb 2019
Andela Kampala, K'la

As it is said, "The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step," i'm certainly grateful to have made my first strides into the realm of programming and webdevelopment at Andelas' TeenCode program. Every moment brought me much enlightment and motivation into the field of computing. Having emerged successful at the program, I would definitely recommend it to all.

Kisubi Minor Seminary

class of 2018
Entebbe-Kisubi, Ebbs

I joined Kisubi Seminary in 2017 for My Advanced level of Education. I for long wanted to delve deeply into my catholic faith and thanks to God, my pursuit of spiritual growth paid off. My experince there taught me virtues of prayer, patience, punctuality and more. The Seminary is my Sipritual mother and i'm proud to be part of it's large community of old students.

Kisubi Mapeera Secondary

class of 2016
Entebbe-Kisubi, Ebbs

After my Primary Level of Education, I joined Kisubi Mapeera for my secondary ( O'level ). Here I widened my scope of knowledge ranging from humanities to sciences. At this level of education is where I realised my passion in computing and I decided to follow my intuition upon this realm. I also took on leadership roles that helped to build my oratory and leadership Skills.This wasn't easy but with the help of God i made it through.

Entebbe Junior Primary School

class of 2012
Entebbe, Ebbs

My early levels of learning became more interesting at Entebbe Junior. Though school wasn't fun at the start, it sure became so interesting at Entebbe Junior. I enjoyed the diversity of cultures, mostly because the erollement was very cosmopolitan and this was a alien experience for me in the start. In the End, the very enriching learning experience became a firm foundation for my later levels of education.


CEASER CIPHER ... Text Encrypter

QUIZVILLE ...... E-tutor

PDF-Hub ... E-Bookstore





  • CSS(3)
  • HTML(5)
  • JavaScript(ES6)
  • Python
  • React
  • OOP


  • English...(Daily use)
  • Runyankole...(Mother Tongue)
  • Luganda...(survivable)
  • French...(un petit peu)


  • Google Chrome
  • Chrome OS (3 years)
  • Windows OS(6+ years)
  • Visual Studio Code (Best IDE)
  • Github / Git version Control
  • MS office(6+ years)
  • Medium Blog(1+ years)

I'm Entebbe-bred,
and I welcome bribes in the form Ugandan Rolex.

let's get in touch. I prefer Twitter DMs and Whatsapp messages.
Ooh and don't forget to subscribe to my newsletter.
